fitness 65 Plus

Fitness 65+ is designed for elderly adults who would like to keep fit or would like to return to exercise.

I am committed to encouraging people of all ages to exercise regularly. Age causes losses in muscle mass and fitness so exercise is particularly important.


Did you know?…The American Heart Association recommends 30 minutes of exercise three or four times a week for all ages. The American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons says exercise will reduce the impact of arthritis, osteoporosis, and other bone and joint problems and will reduce medical expenses.


What areas do I focus on when training with elderly clients?


Flexibility, Cardio, Strength, Balance and Core.

Strength, flexibility, and balance are most needed because muscles tend to get smaller and weaker with age, changes in connective tissues reduce flexibility and older people tend to lose the sense of balance.


Flexibility training is basically light stretching, recommended before any aerobic or strength workout.


Cardio exercise can be anything that gets the heart pumping. Walking is the best start for older adults, especially if they have not exercised regularly over the years. Jogging, bicycling, swimming and aerobics can be done by most basically healthy adults. These exercises also help reduce or control weight, which lowers strain on the heart. Low-impact exercises are best for those with joint problems, especially knees.

Strength Training

Strength training will help reduce muscle loss and even have a positive effect on such things as diabetes, according to an article by Karlie Pouliot on Strength training should be done at least twice a week for 30 to 45 minutes at a time. Strength training does not mean just hitting the weight machines; it can be pushups or using rubber resistance bands.


Balance training can be done anywhere, even while standing in a grocery checkout line. Balance on one foot at a time, hold for about 10 seconds, then switch to the other foot. Do this at home with your eyes closed. Stand on your tiptoes and hold the pose for 10 seconds. Three or four minutes a day of these will improve balance.


Plank or modified planks are core or abdominal exercises and can be done by any age. Core abdominal exercises are key to avoiding back problems by strengthening the frontal muscles, which help support the back.

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